Every Podcast wants it’s listeners to rate and review them. Phoebe and I love when listeners rate and review our podcast, it lets us know if we’re producing content that our listeners enjoy. Here is a tutorial to help you navigate the review process. These ratings also help promote our podcast because more listeners know that we produce quality content and a highly rated podcast gets more listeners, growing our audience.
Using iTunes on Windows or Mac
1. Start by Finding our Podcast and Clicking ‘Listen on Apple Podcasts .’
The Swinger University podcast can be found here.

2. Click ‘Ratings and Reviews.’

3. Click a Star to Leave a Rating. Then Click the ‘Write a Review’ Button.

4. A review Pop-Up Window appears to Write and Submit Your Review.
It’s pretty easy to write a review. And you can use an anonymous Nickname to keep your identity secret too!

Using the Podcast App on your iPhone
1. Search for our Podcast: Swinger University

2. Tap the podcast tile to navigate to the podcast

3. Scroll to the Ratings and Reviews Section bellow the episodes. Tap “Write a Review”.

4. Tap a Star to Rate us, then write a title and your review.

We appreciate you taking your time to read through this tutorial, we hope it helps you! Please take a moment to Rate and Review Swinger University. Get started >>