Ed and Phoebe document their first trip together out of the country and to a clothing optional, swinger resort! Come join the sexy swinger fun with Swinger University and Allures Lifestyle at a swinger resort takeover in Jaco, Costa Rica.  www.Allureslifestyle.com

Book your Bliss Cruise with Swinger University
Friends, Sex, Travel, Parties, Events! All at Kasidie.com

Show Notes

  • Preparation and Packing
  • Travel Day – Oh My!
  • Naked Swinger Resort
  • The Jungle
  • Fabulous Food
  • Playroom and the Toys!
  • Sex at the Pool
  • Included Excursions
  • Pool Games
  • Hot Fun!
Comments (2)
  1. Hello Ed & Phoebe

    We love your podcast. It has so much useful information. Especially for beginners.
    Excellent tips.
    We started exploring the life style about 3 months ago.
    The episode called my attention since I actually live in Costa Rica. I thought, we have to write in.

    • Thanks for swinging by. Sadly we had to cancel our trip this year due to the Covid pandemic. So sad we didn’t get to return to your lovely country.

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