Not all condoms are safe for every BODY.  We discuss how condoms are different in regards to: additives, chemicals, latex sensitivities, lubricants, flavors, colors, and sharing!  Condoms in the lifestyle tend to be plentiful, and sometimes free, but are they right for you!


  1. Types of Condoms
    1. Female
    2. Male
  2. Spermicides
  3. Latex vs. Non-Latex
  4. Sizes
  5. Lubrication
  6. Sharing
    1. Sustain Natural Ultra-Thin
    2. LOLA Ultra-Thin Lubricated
    3. Durex Real Feel Avanti Bare Polyisoprene Nonlatex
    4. LifeStyles SKYN Original Nonlatex Condom
    5. LifeStyles SKYN Extra Lubricated Nonlatex Condoms
    6. Trojan Natural Lamb skin to Skin Latex-Free Condom
    7. FC2 Internal Condom
    8. GLYDE Ultra Thin Premium
    9. Lovability Condoms
    10. Unique Plus Latex-Free
  7. Top Rated Condoms
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